I Bought REAL YouTube Subscribers (Does it Work?)

This is what happened after I bought REAL YouTube subscribers. So, the content creation game got you down? I get it. The first 1,000 subscribers are always the hardest to get. But, what if you could actually buy real-life subscribers… just by running an ad? Subscribe now: https://pengjoon.com/subscribenow

The content creation game is not easy. Many get discouraged when they see that the stuff they put out… is not getting the traction they deserve. Enter: real-life subscribers. I bit the bullet and bought these subscribers to show you how this pay-to-play game works. In this video, I will be showing you a behind-the-scenes look at my subscribers count after I ran a highly converting ad.

P.S: Type in ‘Run YouTube ads’ in the comments below to be in the running to win one of my $2,000 courses!


Creating a Content Marketing System to Automate Social Media

Ultimate Content Marketing Strategy for 2021 (TikTok, Instagram, Facebook & Ads Strategy)

Launching My First TikTok Ad Campaign LIVE

Want to learn more from Peng Joon? Follow these steps:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pengjoon/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pengjoon/

Tell me in the comments if you liked this video and what other kinds of videos you would like to see.


How to Start With Online Affiliate Marketing

Outlined in this article, some key steps in being predictably successful as an affiliate marketer. Learn the importance of discovering your niche, and the skill of driving targeted, converting visitors.

Tips On How To Become A Super Affiliate

There are several ways to promote affiliate offers and you can use all of them or just one or two methods and still get amazing results. The idea is to beat the competition when you are promoting so that you are the go to link for the customer.

The 3 Most Common Affiliate Marketer Mistakes

Like all businesses, there are lots of mistakes in the affiliate marketing business. Committing some of the most common blunders will cost the marketing experts a huge portion of the revenue they are making daily. That is why it is better to avoid them. Here I will discuss three of these mistakes.

Do You Have a Plan B? Your Circumstances Can Change in a Flash

Do you have a Plan B? We always think we are invincible, that disaster will only happen to someone else, not us! We think we are immune to that big blow. We think nothing will ever happen to us or our loved ones. Just supposing you lost your job, your husband was made redundant or your wife was suddenly taken seriously ill and could no longer work of look after the family, how would you cope? How would you pay the Bills? What about the new retirement structure do you want to work full-time until you are 70 plus?

How Affiliate Marketing Works For Online Entrepreneurs

Affiliate marketing is one the simplest methods of starting up an online business. As an affiliate, you promote and sell services and products which have been created by another people. The product owner then pays you a commission when you make a sale.

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